Since he time as an musical director at the Thalia Theater Halle Ralf Siedhoff is always producing music for theatre and film.
„For me the work with a theatre group always is an great experience, witch I never want to miss. Also composing for theatre and film is completely different compare to my concerts. At a concert I am 100 percent myself but into a theatre group I am just a puzzle in a big work of art – good for controlling the ego!"
He is composing an arranging music for orchestra or groups, producing soundtracks at his own studio or he is supporting other artist to sounding there ideas.

music for theatre productions:

  • Wie es euch gefällt - Freilichtspiele in Schwäbisch Hall
  • Was ihr wollt - Neues Theater Halle
  • Schiller unplugged - Schauspielhaus Leipzig
  • Wilhelm Tell - Theatrale Halle
  • Sams - Landestheater Bregenz
  • Othello - Staatsschauspiel Dresden
  • Die Judenbank - Theater Spielraum Wien
  • Die schöne Wassilisa - Puppentheater Dresden
  • Zwerg Nase - Schauspielhaus Chemnitz
  • Die Schneekönigin - Puppentheater Magdeburg Dessau
  • Musikproduktionen in Abu Dhabi
  • Musik zu einem MINI Werbespot
  • Trailermusiken für KIKA

Latest productions:
  • Musical Director - "Shockheaded Peter" at Freilichtspiele Schwäbisch Hall
  • Composer and musician of the Christian Dietrich Grabbe play "Scherz, Satire, Ironie und tiefere Bedeutung" at Freilichtspiele Schwäbisch Hall
  • Composer and musician of the Shakespeare play "Was ihr wollt" (Twelfth night) at Neues Theater Halle
  • Composer and musician of the Shakespeare play "Wie es euch gefällt" (As You Like It) at Freilichtspiele Schwäbisch Hall
  • Papalagi Panoptikum - an production of the Theaterscheune Teutleben

Here you can listen to a collection of different composition!
All tracks are GEMA-binding und notarise copyrighted.
music examples (selection)



ambiance music

